Thursday, January 22, 2009

City Council Agenda 1-28-09

7:00 Pledge of Allegiance and Minutes Review
7:10 Robert Hardy – Preliminary Audit Report
7:45 Public Hearing – Center Street Apts. Condo Conversion – Final Plat
8:45 Ari Kotler – Hockey Rink
Impact Area – County Commissioner Meeting held 1/14/09


Well Update


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Winter Grooming Returns to Pioneer Park!

After a long hiatus, grooming has returned to Pioneer Park! Thanks to Tim Adams and TVTAP we have a snowmobile and track roller of our very own. Tim and I just got back from laying down 1 kilometer of grooming designed by City Councilor Dave Bergart. The track starts at the Southern end of the large parking lot off Elm St. Here is a map of the course:

The track is dog friendly, but we do ask walkers to stay on the edges so the skiers have a nice clean path in the middle. Please pass the word that snowmobiles are not welcome on the track.

If you would like to help groom the track we are looking for volunteers. Please send me an email if interested.


Mark McNeese, the ITD Bike/Ped Coordinator, will be at the Driggs City Hall Thursday Jan. 22nd from 1:30-3pm to hear about our community's Cycling and Pedestrian needs. I encourage any of you to attend if possible. It's a great opportunity to send a strong message to ITD that Teton Valley is serious about all forms of transportation! Sorry for the last minute notice on this.

Scott Fitzgerald
Victor City Council

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

December 17, 2008 Victor City Hall


Council President David Kearsley called the meeting to order. Councilmen present were Richard Naef, Scott Fitzgerald, and David Bergart. Mayor Don Thompson joined meeting shortly there after.

Sewer Plant
Evan Simpson started the discussion in regards to the sewer plant. City Engineer Rob Heuseveldt gave a brief history of the sewer plant project, starting with the Capital Facilities Plan that was done in August 2007 to the current sewer plant project. Discussion was held regarding the gravity sewer line from Victor to Driggs. The line has places that are not are at grade and the flow is calculated to be slower through those areas. Sunrise Engineering’s Robert Worley, explained to the Council the estimates on the sewer plant. Mr. Worley gave the Council a cost comparison for the Driggs plant to the proposed Victor Plant. Discussion was held with the Council on different ways to treat the waste in a plant. Discussion was held on the pros and cons of the city having their own plant verses upgrading Driggs Plant. Willie Teuscher from DEQ attended the meeting and informed the Council that the application into the EPA is not on the agenda until 2010 maybe even 2011. Councilman Kearsley has a concern with the approval from EPA taking so long that repairs are going to be needed on the line to Driggs to keep the flow moving. Council asked Sunrise to put together options and estimates for an upgrade to the sewer line to Driggs. The USDA and DEQ would require EPA approval to start the process. Council agreed to hold off on the bond election to get the public more involved and more informed.

Start Bus
Start Bus has requested help from the Council to fund the rental of a facility for storing the buses for the winter. A motion was made and seconded to support the Start Bus with $1,000.00 for the winter rental. The ayes were unanimous.

Executive Session 67-2345(f)
A roll vote was taken to move into executive session as per Idaho State Code 67-2345(f) to discuss current lawsuits with the attorney present. A roll call vote was taken to exit executive session.

A motion was made, seconded and the ayes were unanimous to pay the bills. The meeting was then adjourned.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Council Agenda - 1/14/08

7:00 Pledge of Allegiance and Minutes Review
7:10 Reid Rogers – Driggs Urban Renewal Plan
8:10 Sheriff Tony Liford – New Administration
8:40 Sunrise Engineering – Sewer Plant Land Acquisition

Executive Session according to Idaho State
Code 67-2345(f)

Victor Crossroads – Pick up/Drop off Standards

Garren Dustin – Agate Street Rental Snow Removal
Winter Water Overages
Cowboy Roadhouse’s As-Builts