Sunday, April 26, 2009

Council Agenda April 29, 2009

7:00 Pledge of Allegiance and Minutes Review

7:15 Teton County Housing Authority – Goals – 30 minutes

7:45 Public Hearing – South Mountain Development – 60 minutes

Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law

Extension and Development Agreement

8:45 Mountain Shadows – Rescinding of Final Plat Recording – 15 minutes

Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law

9:00 Discussion for Expiration Dates of Out of City Sewer Permits – 10 minutes

9:10 Victor Crossroads - MOU – 30 minutes

A portion of this meeting may be called into Executive Session

9:40 Grant Thompson - Foundation on S. Main – 15 minutes

9:55 Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law – Wranglers Ridge – 15 min.

10:10 Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law – Blackhawk Estates – 15 min.

10:25 Grant Writer Position Update – 30 minutes


Construction Estimates for Well Pumphouse – 15 minutes

Updated Sewer Plant Estimates – 15 minutes


Work Meeting – Date Scheduling

Electronic Media Policy

Team Builders – Chamber Use Agreement


Council Retreat – May 8–9

Arbor Day/Community Picnic – June 13


Sunday, April 19, 2009

I hope you are aware already of the design charrettes being conducted this week at City Hall in regards to Pioneer Park. Below is an outline of the activities. Since this exercise is focused on actual design work, a big portion of the events are centered around design professionals. However, there are many opportunities to get your input heard. Please come to City Hall Monday from 6:30-8pm and Thursday from 6:30-8pm to see the first draft and give your input. The following Thursday will also have the potential for comment. The overall master planning effort for Pioneer Park will continue through the year, but decisions about the Transit Facility and the Recreation Center / Ice Rink will come very quickly with the goal of breaking ground this summer. As always, silence implies consent. I look forward to hearing your vision for our Civic space!


Victor City Hall


12:00 Introduction, (at City Hall) Bill Knight

Current Uses

Transit Center Grant/Winter Arena

Development of Program

Public Input/Uses by Rank Order

Input from P & Z (Mike O.?) City Council (Scott F?)

12:30 -1:15 Lunch/Site Tour (walk/auto tour if adverse weather)

1:30- 3:00 First Cut, Master Plan

The Big Picture, Site organization & circulation
Use Categories – Space Allocation
Open Area Facilities/Spaces
Passive/Natural Spaces
Building Sites
Building Forms/Mass
Building Sites

3:00-3:30 Pin Up & Review , Circulation/ Site Organization (Refreshment Break)
3:30- 4:30 Back to the Drawing Boards

Focus on all categories above & refine

4:30-4:45 Informal Review, Discuss Options to present
4:45-6:00 Prepare Drawings for evening Pin ups.
6:00 Wrap-up and Critique & Dinner

6:30-8:00 Informal Public Review & Discussion

THURSDAY APRIL 23 12:00-6:00 Refine Preferred Alternatives

Start Design Development of Transit Facility, Ice & Recreation Facility Site Plan.

6:30-8:00 Public Review & Discussion

THURDAY APRIL 30, 12:00 -6:00 Refine designs & presentations if necessary.

6:30-8:00 Formal Public Review & Discussion

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Teton Valley Foundation Press Release - Music on Main


March 29, 2009

Teton Valley Foundation Planning an abridged, five-week music on Main series

Board considers series timing and long term location

The Teton Valley Foundation (TVF) announced today its plans for a shortened Music on Main concert series. The board decision is based on the tough economic climate which has caused two major sponsors representing almost 30% of the TVF's 2008 program income, to opt out of 2009 participation.

"This event has quickly become a rite of summer for Teton Valley residents, whether full or part-time," said board member, Rick Baldwin. "We recognize that in difficult times it is more important than ever to bring our community together for this great cultural tradition." TVF determined a shorter season would allow them to continue to provide quality programming, assuming they can reach their reduced sponsorship goal of $30,000. The group has current commitments of $10,000.

While the concert series has historically taken place on all the Thursdays in July and August, this year's five week series is scheduled to begin on July 30th and end on August 27th. "This schedule was originally set to avoid interference with a busy early summer schedule," said board member Jeffrey Potter who is working on the lineup.

TVF has hosted the series for the past three summers in downtown Driggs, initially in the location where the Colter building now resides. The group hopes to hold Music on Main in last summer's Driggs City Building plaza location. There are, however, some complicating factors that could force TVF to move again. To reduce costs, the group plans to use a modular stage which would have to remain in place for the full five weeks of the series. In addition, pending construction on the City building could interfere with the already cramped space. TVF is working with the City to resolve these potential impediments. "The City of Driggs has always been a big proponent of Music on Main. Driggs is central to the valley and the downtown location is pedestrian friendly," said board secretary Jennifer Rein. "We like this location and believe the City will find a way to allow us to stay this summer."

Rein went on, "If we have to find a new location yet again, we would like it to have the potential to be a permanent location. We believe our best alternatives may reside in Victor." The group is revisiting the Victor City Park location and has been in discussions with Teton Basin Ice & Recreation about an alliance to use their facility. "We have spent considerable time and money re-creating a park in each of the last three summers. The Victor City and Pioneer park locations provide beautiful park atmosphere, significant space to allow for growing crowds and pedestrian friendly access to Victor residents. Victor City Park has the downtown, Main Street advantage and TBIR's location will have a shelter to provide rain back up."

Music on Main is a weekly concert series that is free to the public. The program is funded by business sponsorship, concession sales and importantly, individual donations. "It is important for individuals to donate now if they value this series and donate at each of the shows," stated Jon Pinardi, also a TVF board member. Individuals can send donations to the Teton Valley Foundation at PO Box 50, Victor, ID 83455 or go to Pinardi added, "The series would not be possible without the hard work of our volunteers."

The Teton Valley Foundation's mission is to plan, organize and implement cultural, educational and recreational events for the benefit of the community. We strive to host several world-class, multi-day events each year to promote, market and enhance the unique nature of the Valley and increase economic activity in the community placing specific emphasis on our downtowns.

For more information on the series, the Foundation and how to get involved, check out the Foundation's website at

Teton Valley Foundation
PO Box 50
Victor, ID 83455
(208) 201-5356