Thursday, August 25, 2011

Victor Velo sponsored trail day

Please join Victor Velo this Saturday, Aug 27th, for a trail work day to finish the final section of the "Rush Hour" Trail in Victor.  We will meet at the Stateline parking lot on Highway 33 at 9:00 AM.  Please bring a lunch, plenty of water, and pruners if you have them. Victor Velo will bring assorted hand tools.

Stateline Parking Lot, Hwy 33 (click)

With a good turnout, we can complete this trail and begin to enjoy a new piece of singletrack in Victor! 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 24, 2011
Victor City Hall

7:00 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance and Agenda Approval and Minutes Review

Mission Statement Adoption

Public Hearing for Fiscal Year Budget 2011/2012 (Firefly Option for
Water Meters) - Mayor Fitzgerald - 60 min.

Dwayne Moore - Sewer Bill Issue - 30 min.

Peddler’s License - Herb Heimerl - 30 min.

Pioneer Park Master Plan Finalization - Bill Knight - 10 min.

Victor Velo update and requests for Bike Park and Moosecross - Dave Bergart - 15 min

Main Street Speed Limit - Mayor Fitzgerald - 10 min.

Transit Sod - Mayor Fitzgerald - 10 min.






Thursday, August 11, 2011

August 10th, 2011

Dear Victor City Council, Staff, and Citizens,

Over the last 4 years I have had the privilege of serving as an elected official for the City of Victor. However, I find it necessary at this time to announce my intention to resign as Mayor effective September 30th, 2011.

I am extremely proud of the accomplishments achieved by Council and Staff during my time in office. Substantial updating of City Code, Envision Victor, major infrastructure projects in both the Water and Sewer departments, Main St realignment, Victor Transit Center construction, Depot acquisition, park master planning, and Music on Main are just some of the highlights of the success directly reflected in your hard work.

Although I had every intention of fulfilling my 4 year term as Mayor when running for office, personal responsibilities with my business and family no longer allow me to dedicate the time and energy the position deserves. Victor, and Teton Valley, is at an important cross roads. Will we as a community finally break free of the boom / bust cycle that has been plaguing the Valley since the dawn of the railroad, or will we rise above and forge a new path of sustainable growth and prosperity? The answer lies with our leadership and I no longer feel I have the time available for the job.

Thank you for all your support during my time as Mayor, it has been an honor to work with you all! I look forward to helping the City in other ways in the near future.


Scott Fitzgerald
City of Victor

Monday, August 8, 2011

August 10, 2011
Victor City Hall

7:00 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance and Agenda Approval
Minutes Review

Pioneer Park Master Plan Finalization – Bill Knight – 30 min.
Community Values to be Affected: Family Friendly, Small Town
Feel and Sustainability

Citizen Request for Senior Water Discount & Dark Skies
- Johnny Ziem - 15 min.
Community Values to be Affected: Small Town Feel

Third Quarter Financial Statement - Craig Sherman - 60 min.

Ordinance Changing Mayor & Council Salaries - Mayor Fitzgerald - 30 min.

Executive Session as per Idaho State Code 67-2345(f) – 60 min. -Timberline Lawsuit


SCADA Update - 15 min.

Cowboy Roadhouse Lodge Request - 10 min.
Teton Reserve Request – 10 min.

August 11 – Last Music on Main
