Monday, December 14, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
7:00 Pledge of Allegiance and Agenda Approval
Minutes Review
Parking Ordinance – Continuation of Hearing – 60 minutes
Dahvi Wilson – Envision Victor Update – 15 minutes
Follow-Up on Sunrise Base Agreement and Shovel Ready Project
Monthly Water Fee Analysis & Discussion and Forsgren Contract
– Rob Heuseveldt – 60 minutes
Accessory Rental Units and Connections to Water and Sewer Service
– 30 minutes
Planning and Zoning
High Country RC&D
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
9:00 – 1:00 Pancakes/Waffles With Santa with
Rummage and Bake Sale - LDS Church
11:00 – 5:00 Friends of the Library Book Sale
Valley of the Tetons Library
Noon – 2:00 Visit With Santa
Sun Dog Café & Deli
1:00 – 2:00 Children’s Storytelling
Valley of the Tetons Library
*1:30 – 2:00 Turkey Bowling
Depot Street
2:00 - 2:30 Children’s Treasure Hunt
Victor City Park
**3:00 – 6:00 Baked Potato Giveaway
10 South Main, Suite 101
4:00 - 6:00 Live Nativity Scene
Main Street
4:30 “A Christmas Carol” Matinee
Pierre’s Playhouse
6:00 Holiday Light Parade
Main Street
7:30 “A Christmas Carol” Performance
Pierre’s Playhouse
Thursday, November 12, 2009
7:00 Pledge of Allegiance and Agenda Approval
Minutes Review
Susan Fenger and Dahvi Wilson – Updates on Grants and Envision Victor –
30 minutes
Public Hearing – Parking Ordinance – 60 minutes
TBIR Maintenance Agreement – 60 minutes
David Owen – Discussion on Funds Owed to City – 30 minutes
Timberline Subdivision – Development Agreement Addendum –
30 minutes
Water Lines Shovel Ready Project – Rob Heuseveldt
Forsgren Contract North Well – Rob Heuseveldt
Building Permits – Connection Fees for Illegal Buildings
Winter Holiday Festival – December 5
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Results from Bike Park Landscaping Day
The day was made possible because of the tremendous community support for this project. Our warmest thanks go out to the following who made it happen with their generous donations:
Josh Thulin / The Arbors Nursery - All 60 of the Trees & Shrubs, compost, and backhoe
Harmony Design - Landscape Plan and on-sight execution by Randy Blough
Valley Lumber - Mini-ex to dig the holes
Grand Teton Brewing Company - Forklift and head Brewer, Marks, to unload the trees
Trail Creek Nursery - Skidsteer and operator to load trees
Teton Timberframe - Skidsteer, flat bed trailer to haul trees, and Adam's strong back
City of Victor - Site prep and topsoil
Power's Excavation - Flat bed trailer to haul trees with
Mike Bessette from Frontier Landscaping - Full day of equipment operation and manual labor
Jay & Tracey Petervary - A full day of help from Victor's newsest residents
Mike Piker - Coming over from Jackson to help out
Jeremy Besbiris - Tree planting and process building
Victor Velo - Dave Byers & Scott Fitzgerald spearheading the operation
Fresh Cut Deli - Keeping us fed
Teton Mountain Ranch - Topsoil courtesy of Stephen Bagley
At the end of the day we planted almost 50 plant units! We'll be back at it Tuesday to finish off the job. If you have time to help please come on by. If you have any watering resources please let us know as the irrigation is off but we would like to soak the trees before winter.

Mike with Frontier Landscaping digs the first holes before the trees arrived

The crew unloads the first of many trees off Power's Excavation's Trailer

Jay and Mike taking a pass off from Marks

The first tree is in!

Randy surveying his handy work as Josh drops the steamy compost

Stephen Bagley surprised us with a load of topsoil from Teton Mountain Ranch

Adam Riley hauled massive trees with the Teton Timberframe trailer

The park started to take on the look of a Grove

Marks and others worked into the darkness making sure the shrubs would stay warm over the next few nights
Friday, October 9, 2009
Bike Park Landscaping Day
Victor Velo - The reason this project is happening
Josh Thulin (owner of the Ponds Subdivision) - Donating all the Trees and Shrubs
Randy Blough (owner of Harmony Designs) - Donated the landscaping plan below
Valley Lumber - Donated equipment time and again for this project
Grand Teton Brewing Company - Donating a fork lift and operator to unload the trees
Trail Creek Nursery - Donating equipment
Mike Bessett - Donating time to operate equipment
Victor Public Works - graded and prepped the site
*** We still need volunteers Saturday from 9am til ??***
If you want to come help lease show up to the Bike Park with a pair of work gloves anytime Saturday.

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
7:00 Pledge of Allegiance and Agenda Approval
Minutes Review
Public Hearing – Area of Impact – 30 minutes
NorthWell – Rob Heusveldt – Information on what needs to be completed – 30 minutes
Timberline – Addendum to Developer’s Agreement – 30 minutes
ITD Funding Agreement – Transit Center Funding – 30 minutes
Circuit Breaker – Discussion regarding the program and how it can help Victor residents – 15 minutes
Lot Line Adjustment – Birch Circle
Update on Water Rights – 5 minutes
Treatment Plant Direction – 5 minutes
September 29 – Marketing Downtown Development – 9:00 a.m.
Public Meetings on Proposed Resort Tax
September 30 and October 21
November 4 Canvassing of Votes
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Victor City Hall
7:00 Pledge of Allegiance and Agenda Approval
Minutes Review
Rula Matkin – Request for Payment of Bill from Action Excavation
for services rendered– 15 minutes
Nathan Thompson – Further discussion on Eagle Scout Project at City Park
– 15 minutes
Grant Thompson – Continuation of Discussion regarding Screening of Main
Street Foundation – 30 minutes
Resort Tax – Discussion of Public Information Meetings to be held
Prior to Election - 15 minutes
Timberline – Review of Addendum to Developer’s Agreement – 30 minutes
TBIR – Review of Maintenance Agreement – 15 minutes
Budget – General Fund Expenditure Breakdown – 30 minutes
Neptune Agreement – follow-up
Bark at the Park – Victor City Park – September 12
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
7:00 Pledge of Allegiance and Agenda Approval
Minutes Review
Public Hearing – 2009-2010 City Budget – 30 minutes
Susan Fenger – Grant Project Update – 15 minutes
Craig Chandler – Insurance – 30 minutes
Lynn Bagley – Candidate for Impact Area for P&Z – 15 minutes
Joe Jenkins – P&Z Interview and Council Discussion – 30 minutes
Water Rights – Rob Heuseveldt – 15 minutes
Transportation Plan – 15 minutes
Discussion regarding alleyways/roadways – 15 minutes
Review of Resort Tax – 30 minutes
Eagle Scout Project – Flagpole at City Park – 5 minutes
Neptune Maintenance Agreement – 15 minutes
August 24 – Candidate Filing for Council Seat Begins
September 4 – Candidate Filing Ends at 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Job Opportunities
P&Z Commissioner
We are looking for one more person to fill a Planning and Zoning seat. Successful candidates must live outside the City limits but inside the Impact Area. Please call City Hall for more details.
City Council and Mayor
This November we have 3 Council seats and the Mayor's seat up for election. If you are considering running, please contact City Hall for details and keep the following dates in mind:
Candidate filing period
* begins on 8/24 at 8:00 a.m.
* ends on 9/4 at 5:00 p.m.
Public Works Job Posting
The City of Victor is looking for an individual to fill a position in the Public Works Department. Position requires a background in pipe works, water works, sewer works, welding, heavy equipment operation, including a CDL. Computer experience helpful. A high school diploma is required. Interested individuals should stop at City Hall, 32 Elm Street to fill out an application by 5:00 p.m. Friday, August 14, 2009.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Senator Crapo Comes to Victor
1pm Lunch and Reverse Angle Parking Practice
2:15 Ribbon Cutting with Senator Mike Crapo

Victor Clean Up Day
Friday, July 24, 2009
Reverse Angle Parking Comes to Downtown Victor

Backing into a parking stall is easy.
1. Use your right turn signal to indicate your intention to park
2. Pull past the parking stall and stop
3. Back up into the parking stall
When it’s time to leave, simply look to your left to check for oncoming cars or bicycles, then pull forward into the driving lane
Friday, July 17, 2009
7:00 Pledge of Allegiance and Agenda Approval
Minutes Review
Rula Matkin – Discussion with Council regarding failed LMI sewer
connection and associated costs – 20 minutes
Susan Fenger – Update of Grant Prioritization - 30 minutes
Targhee Animal Shelter – Budget Request – 15 minutes
Timberline Ranch – Herb Heimerl – Amendment to Development
Agreement as per 7/8/09 meeting with partners – 30 minutes
Sunrise Engineering – Jason Linford – Customer Satisfaction Query
with Services – 20 minutes
New Signage for Diagonal Parking and Lane Configuration - 15 minutes
Ordinance 5-1-3 – Chapter 1 – “Diagonal Parking Zones” – Cari Golden - Discussion on wording changes - 30 minutes
Parks and Recreation – Appointed Citizen Committee and
Responsibilities – 15 minutes
Budget – Continuing Discussion – 20 minutes
July 20 -30 – Construction for Road Restriping Project
July 23 – Council Budget Work Meeting – 7:00
July 29 – Dutch Oven Dinner w/Orton Foundation
7:30 pm. Victor City Park
Bills and Adjourn
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Teton County Housing Authority
Home Ownership Seminar
July 28, 2009
The Teton County Housing Authority (TCHA) is excited to bring its second in a series of Home Ownership Seminars to Teton County residents. The purpose of the seminar is to provide information on affordable workforce housing opportunities in Teton County.
The seminar will include:
§ An update on the progress TCHA is making toward developing workforce housing.
§ A review of the Teton County workforce housing eligibility guidelines.
§ Information on current mortgage financing and down payment options.
§ The opportunity for participants to begin the application process to be considered for workforce housing.
The Home Ownership Seminar is free and will be held at the Council Chambers in the Driggs City Center on July 28, 2009, from 5:30 – 7:00 PM. Light refreshments will be provided.
Please RSVP to Emerson, Teton County Housing Authority Director, at 354-2362 or
Monday, July 6, 2009
7:00 Pledge of Allegiance and Agenda Approval
Minutes Review
Dahvi Wilson – Update of Current Activities of the Envision Victor
Program -30 minutes
Grant Thompson – Discussion of Abandoned Main Street
Foundation - 30 minutes
Resolution R09-0708 – Adoption by Council
Resolution pertaining to four Council designated goals for budgeting process – 5 minutes
Timberline Ranch – Rob Heuseveldt and Herb Heimerl – Update Council on
discussion held with developers concerning project completion –
30 minutes
Teton Springs – Sewer Rate Adjustment – 30 minutes
Jorgensen Associates – Proposed Lot Line Adjustment at 52 Birch Circle - 15 minutes
Consent Agenda
Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law – Sunset Village
Discussion Item
Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law – Rendezvous Meadows–15 minutes
Traffic Count – Rob Heuseveldt - ElectTrElectronicTraffic Study for 950 S,Crystal Avenue and Agate Street –
15 minutes
Road Striping Plan – Rob Heuseveldt – Council Discussion for Cost &
Approval – 15 minutes
July 15 – Proposed Truck Route Open House
July 16-21 – Pump Track Construction
July 29 – Dutch Oven Dinner w/Orton Foundation
7:30 pm. Victor City Park
Bills and Adjourn
Thursday, July 2, 2009
US House of Representatives Shout out to litttle Victor
Mr. Rogoff made the following comments with regards to Idaho…
“Finally, in Idaho, where transit advocates have long fought to build a strong base, the Governor there has approved the use of more than $8.7 million in Recovery Act funds to put more Idahoans to work and improve rural transportation options. The Governor projects that the public transportation projects are calculated to generate or preserve approximately 155 jobs working on a range of projects including a new transit center in Victor, bike and pedestrian paths in Ponderay, and increased transit services in several communities that depend on tourism to support their economy.”
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Main St Striping Plan - Wed Night Pubilc Meeting
P&Z Appointment
Saturday, June 27, 2009
10 things that may lie ahead for southern Idaho's future
Copyright: © 2009 Idaho Statesman
Between now and 2050, a researcher says we should expect a lot more people, new kinds of housing booms and changes in the way we work and play.
The Snake River corridor from Idaho Falls to Ontario could double in population over the next 40 years, a Utah researcher says.
A series of social, economic and financial trends will bring more people to southern Idaho and transform the region's housing market, said Arthur C. Nelson, a professor and director of the Metropolitan Research Center at the University of Utah.
The new people and aging commercial buildings will demand about $400 billion in construction between now and 2050, he estimates.
According to his eye-popping keynote speech, "Mega Trends of the Snake River Corridor," presented last week at the New West planning conference at Boise State, the roughly 350-mile-long stretch could become a series of metropolitan areas stitched together by the freeway and railway.
Nelson talked to the Statesman this week about the 10 things he thinks will shape Southern Idaho's future.
Idaho and other Western states are projected to remain the nation's fastest-growing states.
Many seniors, families and young professionals will be looking for the same thing: slower pace, recreational opportunities, clean air and water.
Idaho's senior population and homes without children will increase.
Newcomers will bring their own jobs. Instead of moving to their job, people will choose where they want to live and bring their job with them via telecommuting, working from home and utilizing technology not available 20 years ago.
Healthier lifestyles and better health care mean people will live longer. Already, insurance actuarial tables have been extended from 100 years to 120 years. Aging populations will have different housing and transportation needs.
In the past few decades people fled urban areas for isolated suburban living. Now people are breaking from the past and returning to cities to get out of their cars and enjoy amenities and services not found in suburbs.
The entire corridor is already connected by a freeway and a railway, providing necessary infrastructure for a cross-state and local public transportation network.
Changes in lending practices will mean less demand for $1 million-plus homes and more demand for smaller homes on smaller lots and an increase in renters.
Communication improvements have improved regional social and economic networks.
More efficient water, energy, land-use and transportation practices will help ease growth's strain on natural resources, air and water quality, and farmland.
Friday, June 19, 2009
7:00 Pledge of Allegiance and Minutes Review
7:10 Susan Fenger – Report to Council – 30 minutes
7:40 Herb Heimerl – Correspondence regarding Timberline Ranch
and Foundation Problem and TBIR Maintenance Agreement –
60 minutes
8:40 Possible Executive Session per Idaho Code Section 67-2345(f)
Current Litigation – 30 minutes
9:10 Aiport Subdivision – Termination of CCR’s –
30 minutes
Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law – Sunset
Village – 15 minutes
Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law – Victor
Crossroads – 15 minutes
Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law – Timberline
Ranch – 15 minutes
Bills and Adjourn
Sewer View
Ever seen images of our sewer? Here is a video clip of our line near Agate st. We recently had this section of our lines TV'ed to check out current conditions. TV'ing is the process of inserting a camera which sends back video. The camera can look for areas of weakness in the joints, search for cracks, identify areas which need to be cleaned, and check pipe gradients. As you can see there is currently a crack in the line from a protruding rock. We are going to be fixing this section this summer. Hats off to public works for getting this done.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
New Paint Striping on Main St?
The preliminary plan will be presented to Council and the Public on Wednesday Night's Council Meeting at 6:30 pm at the City Hall.
Budget Cycle has Begun and we need your help!
This is methodology is endorsed by the Government Finance Officers Association:
"The common reaction to fiscal pressure has been across-the-board cuts, which weaken every program equally, regardless of its impact on citizens. Budgeting for Outcomes (BFO) for Smaller Communities is a novel approach to budgeting that starts with the results citizens want and focuses not on how to cut 10 or 15 percent from the budget, but on how to maximize the results produced with the remaining 85 to 90 percent. BFO represents a sustainable approach to budgeting - one that can be used year after year to maintain long-term fiscal balance while simultaneously improving the value government delivers to the public."
The first step we took toward BFO was to have a 1st Annual City Council Retreat. Myself, the City Administrator, and the entire City Council Spent 2 days working through exercises lead by facilitator Fran Van Houten that helped us to create a BFO road map so to speak.
Now what? Now it's time for you to get involved. We want to know if our Fiscal Goals align with how you want us to spend your money next year.
Here are the 4 Fiscal Goals we came up with for this year's Budget:
* A welcoming Community built on relationships where people feel accepted.
* A place where generations can (afford to) work, live, play, and learn in our community.
* A safe and multi-modal accessible community.
* A sustainable economy with a focus on downtown.
We need to hear from you about these goals and here's how:
Thursday June 11th - 5:30pm - 9pm - Budget and Beers @ Wildlife Pizza
Come by for $3 beers, $2 slices, and a conversation with your Councilmen and Mayor about how we came to these 4 goals
Saturday June 13th - Community Picnic - Pioneer Park Victor
Come by for a free community picnic (please bring a side dish and your kids) and chat with your Councilmen about how they came to these 4 goals.
Date and Time TBA - LDS Church Budget information session.
If you are unable to attend these gatherings, please take a moment to fill out this survey:
Click Here to take survey
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
7:00 Pledge of Allegiance and Minutes Review
7:15 Rotary Food Bank of Teton Valley – Maren Erickson – 20 minutes
7:35 North Well – Forsgren & Associates – 30 minutes
8:05 Lease/Maintenance Agreement – Ice Hockey Rink – 60 minutes
9:05 Executive Session per Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (c)
Travis Thompson – Land Acquisition – 60 minutes
10:05 Government Affairs – Herb Heimerl – 15 minutes
10:15 Timberline Development Agreement – 30 minutes
10:30 ITD – Road Striping – Rob Heuseveldt – 30 minutes
Consent Agenda
Timberline Ranches – Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law
Victor Crossroads – Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law
Sunset Village – Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law
Mountain Shadows - MOU
Water Meters – Radio Reads and Associated Costs
June 13th – Arbor Day/Community Picnic – 11:00-2:00
July 4th – City Park – Food Vending – 7:00 a.m. – Lunch
Bills and Adjourn
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
7:15 Bob Benedict – County Commissioner Visit – 30 minutes
7:45 Public Hearing–Chapters I & II of VictorDevelopment Ordinance – 30 minutes
8:15 Lease Agreement – Ice Hockey Rink – 30 minutes
8:45 Grant Writer Hiring – Update – 15 minutes
9:00 Victor Velo – 15 minutes
9:15 Airport Subdivision CCR’s – 30 minutes
9:45 Consent Agenda
“Red Flag” Resolution
Cowboy Roadhouse Lodge – MOU
Center Street Condos – MOU
Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law
Blackhawk Estates – Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law
Sunset Village – Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law
Planning and Zoning
New P&Z Commissioner Interview – 15 minutes
General Engineering Items – 15 minutes
“Bark at the Park” – Animal Shelter Benefit
May 20 – AIC Budget Webcast Training (3:00 p.m.)
May 21 – Mock Emergency Drill – (9:00 -3:00 p.m.)
June 13 – Arbor Day/Community Picnic
June 16-19- AIC Summer Conference
Bills and Adjourn
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Council Agenda April 29, 2009
7:15 Teton County Housing Authority – Goals – 30 minutes
7:45 Public Hearing – South Mountain Development – 60 minutes
Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law
Extension and Development Agreement
8:45 Mountain Shadows – Rescinding of Final Plat Recording – 15 minutes
Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law
9:00 Discussion for Expiration Dates of Out of City Sewer Permits – 10 minutes
9:10 Victor Crossroads - MOU – 30 minutes
A portion of this meeting may be called into Executive Session
9:40 Grant Thompson - Foundation on S. Main – 15 minutes
9:55 Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law – Wranglers Ridge – 15 min.
10:10 Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law – Blackhawk Estates – 15 min.
10:25 Grant Writer Position Update – 30 minutes
Construction Estimates for Well Pumphouse – 15 minutes
Updated Sewer Plant Estimates – 15 minutes
Work Meeting – Date Scheduling
Electronic Media Policy
Team Builders – Chamber Use Agreement
Council Retreat – May 8–9
Arbor Day/Community Picnic – June 13
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Victor City Hall
12:00 Introduction, (at City Hall) Bill Knight
Current Uses
Transit Center Grant/Winter Arena
Development of Program
Public Input/Uses by Rank Order
Input from P & Z (Mike O.?) City Council (Scott F?)
12:30 -1:15 Lunch/Site Tour (walk/auto tour if adverse weather)
1:30- 3:00 First Cut, Master Plan
The Big Picture, Site organization & circulation
Use Categories – Space Allocation
Open Area Facilities/Spaces
Passive/Natural Spaces
Building Sites
Building Forms/Mass
Building Sites
3:00-3:30 Pin Up & Review , Circulation/ Site Organization (Refreshment Break)
3:30- 4:30 Back to the Drawing Boards
Focus on all categories above & refine
4:30-4:45 Informal Review, Discuss Options to present
4:45-6:00 Prepare Drawings for evening Pin ups.
6:00 Wrap-up and Critique & Dinner
6:30-8:00 Informal Public Review & Discussion
THURSDAY APRIL 23 12:00-6:00 Refine Preferred Alternatives
Start Design Development of Transit Facility, Ice & Recreation Facility Site Plan.
6:30-8:00 Public Review & Discussion
THURDAY APRIL 30, 12:00 -6:00 Refine designs & presentations if necessary.
6:30-8:00 Formal Public Review & Discussion
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Teton Valley Foundation Press Release - Music on Main
March 29, 2009
Teton Valley Foundation Planning an abridged, five-week music on Main series
Board considers series timing and long term location
The Teton Valley Foundation (TVF) announced today its plans for a shortened Music on Main concert series. The board decision is based on the tough economic climate which has caused two major sponsors representing almost 30% of the TVF's 2008 program income, to opt out of 2009 participation.
"This event has quickly become a rite of summer for Teton Valley residents, whether full or part-time," said board member, Rick Baldwin. "We recognize that in difficult times it is more important than ever to bring our community together for this great cultural tradition." TVF determined a shorter season would allow them to continue to provide quality programming, assuming they can reach their reduced sponsorship goal of $30,000. The group has current commitments of $10,000.
While the concert series has historically taken place on all the Thursdays in July and August, this year's five week series is scheduled to begin on July 30th and end on August 27th. "This schedule was originally set to avoid interference with a busy early summer schedule," said board member Jeffrey Potter who is working on the lineup.
TVF has hosted the series for the past three summers in downtown Driggs, initially in the location where the Colter building now resides. The group hopes to hold Music on Main in last summer's Driggs City Building plaza location. There are, however, some complicating factors that could force TVF to move again. To reduce costs, the group plans to use a modular stage which would have to remain in place for the full five weeks of the series. In addition, pending construction on the City building could interfere with the already cramped space. TVF is working with the City to resolve these potential impediments. "The City of Driggs has always been a big proponent of Music on Main. Driggs is central to the valley and the downtown location is pedestrian friendly," said board secretary Jennifer Rein. "We like this location and believe the City will find a way to allow us to stay this summer."
Rein went on, "If we have to find a new location yet again, we would like it to have the potential to be a permanent location. We believe our best alternatives may reside in Victor." The group is revisiting the Victor City Park location and has been in discussions with Teton Basin Ice & Recreation about an alliance to use their facility. "We have spent considerable time and money re-creating a park in each of the last three summers. The Victor City and Pioneer park locations provide beautiful park atmosphere, significant space to allow for growing crowds and pedestrian friendly access to Victor residents. Victor City Park has the downtown, Main Street advantage and TBIR's location will have a shelter to provide rain back up."
Music on Main is a weekly concert series that is free to the public. The program is funded by business sponsorship, concession sales and importantly, individual donations. "It is important for individuals to donate now if they value this series and donate at each of the shows," stated Jon Pinardi, also a TVF board member. Individuals can send donations to the Teton Valley Foundation at PO Box 50, Victor, ID 83455 or go to Pinardi added, "The series would not be possible without the hard work of our volunteers."
The Teton Valley Foundation's mission is to plan, organize and implement cultural, educational and recreational events for the benefit of the community. We strive to host several world-class, multi-day events each year to promote, market and enhance the unique nature of the Valley and increase economic activity in the community placing specific emphasis on our downtowns.
For more information on the series, the Foundation and how to get involved, check out the Foundation's website at
Teton Valley Foundation
PO Box 50
Victor, ID 83455
(208) 201-5356
Monday, March 30, 2009
Grant Writer Wanted
As part of a match towards funds received from the Orton Family Foundation, The City of Victor is hiring a part time Grant Writer to secure funding for projects and planning associated with Envision Victor.
Envision Victor is a partnership between the Orton Family Foundation, the City of Victor, Valley Advocates for Responsible Development, and Teton Valley Trails and Pathways. The project will ask all Victor residents to identify, articulate, and implement Victor's Heart & Soul. Envision Victor will "go beyond land use and design, and toward our social fabric and how [to] create opportunities to grow a more economically, ecologically, and socially diverse community." Envision Victor will also reflect upon the results of Victor's Community Action Plan, ongoing work revising Victor's Comprehensive Plan, and Victor's EPA-funded Smart Growth Implementation Report.
Grant Writer Position
The Grant Writer will be responsible for cataloging funding needs by City department, investigating grant opportunities, organizing, writing, and submitting grant applications, and reporting on their progress. There will be direct interaction with City Staff, the Envision Victor project coordinator, and the Envision Victor Local Advisory Committee.
This will be a contract position starting in May of 2009. The Grant Writer will contract directly with the City of Victor and will be supervised by the Victor City Council with guidance form the Envision Victor Local Advisory Committee.
Scope of Services
Determine Funding Needs
* Work with City department heads, the Envision Victor project coordinator, and the Envision
* Victor local advisory committee to determine funding needs, opportunities and priorities.
* Through interviews and other means, gather information required to understand and advocate for project or program for which funding is sought.
* Acquire and maintain sound knowledge and understanding of the City of Victor, and use that knowledge and understanding to identify and pursue funding opportunities.
* Work with City department heads, the Envision Victor project coordinator, and the Envision Victor local advisory committee to continually refine and update project needs, responding to new ideas, opportunities, and challenges.
Grant Writing and Coordination
* Work with the City Staff, Envision Victor Project Coordinator, and Envision Victor Advisory Committee to make use of their contributions to grant writing projects in the most meaningful and effective ways.
* Work with consultants and other technical advisors to the Envision Victor Project to ensure their appropriate involvement.
* Research grant-making organizations, agencies, or individuals (e.g. private foundations, public funding, government programs) to identify likely funding sources for specific projects and programs.
* Review the budget of a project or program for which funding is sought and make recommendations to better present it to grant-making organizations.
* Develop individual grant proposals in accordance with each grant-making organization's requirements and follow exactly each grant-making organization's guidelines.
* Compile, write, and edit all grant applications exhibiting strong expository writing skills and a high-level command of grammar and spelling.
* Communicate all grant writing activities clearly and punctually with the City Council, Envision Victor Project Coordinator, and the Envision Victor Local Advisory Committee.
* Document the process in written reports and prepare updates in creative and compelling formats.
* Provide City Staff and Envision Victor Advisory Committee with regularly scheduled reports
* Maintain contact with grant-making organizations during their review of a submitted grant application in order to supply additional supportive material.
* Manage the process of supplying progress reports when required by a grant-making organization that has awarded project funding.
* Advanced familiarity with the City of Victor networks, issues, and trends combined with an ability to be objective and open-minded
* Willingness and ability to speak with all Victor residents
* Previous professional writing experience with specific Grant Writing experience a plus
* Excellent organizational skills
* Excellent communications skills, including listening and writing
* Ability to work with diverse groups of people including: Project Partners, consultants, municipal government officials and neighbors
* Computer literacy including first-hand professional experience with common software (e.g. Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)
* Creativity and inventiveness
* Professional experience working as part of a team
* Professional grant writing certification a plus
Applicants must submit a proposed fee estimate. Please detail how you would approach this project and include a breakout of hours and cost by Scope of Services category. The lowest/best bid will not be the sole basis for this selection.
Evaluation Criteria
Applicants will be considered by the Victor City Council and a selection will be made at the Council's discretion. Applicants will be evaluated and ranked on the basis of experience in grant writing as well as their familiarity with the City of Victor. Expected hiring date is May 1st.
Those interested in applying must email a cover letter, resume and/or other appropriate description of relevant experience and qualifications to Scott Fitzgerald at and Craig Sherman at Deadline for applications is Friday April 17th. Applications must be submitted by 5pm.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Phosphorus and Victor
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Recommendation for Stimulus Funding!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Governor Otter to reject Stimulus funding
Full Article
Opinion: Lewiston Morning Tribune
LEWISTON - What has Butch Otter been up to in the nation's capital? Within days of appointing a bipartisan panel to review plans for spending money from federal stimulus legislation, Idaho's chief executive is listed among those Republican governors now in Washington, D.C., telling Uncle Sam to take his cash and shove it.
Saturday, the New York Times reported that "the governors of Alaska, Idaho, Mississippi, South Carolina and Texas have said their states may not want to meet the conditions that accompany the money or expand programs that will have to be paid for by the state once the stimulus money runs out."
And Monday, an editorial in the Wall Street Journal praised Otter and four other governors for "saying thanks but no thanks to some of the $150 billion of 'free' money doled out to states."
What the Journal lauds, however, even many conservative Idahoans are unlikely to appreciate. It is one thing for Otter - who as a congressman voted to greatly expand the federal Medicare program - and members of the state's congressional delegation to badmouth the stimulus bill passed by Democrats and three Republican senators. But it is quite another to turn away money that Idahoans and their offspring will end up paying their fair share of.
What's more, some members of the executive panel Otter asked to review stimulus money, including two Democratic former governors, must wonder what Otter is telling his fellow members of the National Governors Association and the national press that he isn't telling them.
Before leaving for the association meeting in Washington, Otter did agree to use stimulus money to increase unemployment benefits in the state by $25 a week. And it's a good thing he did, too. That is some of the wisest spending in the federal bill, because it will help jobless people at the same time it pumps cash into the economy. Yet some other governors are objecting even to that provision in the bill.
At the same time, though, the Times quotes a lawyer for Otter, David Hensley, as objecting to a requirement that Idaho spend 3 percent of a big bundle of transportation money coming to the state on "transportation enhancement."
"I never imagined that Congress would tell the state of Idaho that they have to spend $5.5 million on bike paths or pedestrian lanes," Hensley said.
Do Hensley and Otter oppose making it easier for people to ride bicycles or walk to places where they would otherwise drive cars - and helping stimulate the economy in the process? And even if they do, can they possibly expect the federal government to send money to the states with no instructions about how it is to be spent? It isn't as if state government refrains from doing the same with much of the money it sends to Idaho's school districts and local governments.
What appears more probable here is that Otter is aligning his Washington rhetoric with those Republican governors, like Louisiana's Bobby Jindal and South Carolina's Mark Sanford, who talk about rejecting stimulus money, rather than those, like California's Arnold Schwarzenegger and Florida's Charlie Crist, who welcome help their states badly need. But back in Boise, Otter will listen to the smart counsel of his stimulus advisers and use the cash to stave off severe distress in his state.
He will, in other words, put the money where his mouth isn't. - J.F.
Friday, February 20, 2009
1st Mayor's Report
Tue Feb 18th: Met with P&Z to hear their perspective on my new role as Mayor. Unanimous desire for clear leadership, coordinated efforts between Council and P&Z, revised ordinances and an increase in staff efficiency / organization.
Wed Feb 19th: Met with Craig to hear his ideas on my new role as Mayor. He caught me up to speed on the three previous Mayors he has worked with and their take on the position. He suggested ways I could improve on past Mayoral efforts. We decided that I would maintain the same bookkeeping / accounting role as Don for the next few months but I should attend staff meetings every other week in preparation for Council Meetings as much as possible. Our hope here is to increase the efficiency of the Council Meetings while decreasing their longevity. I will also try to make at least one “stop in” visit to City Hall each week to give Craig a chance to talk with me in person. We both agreed that one important short term goal is to improve staff organization in order to set each staff member up for success. Craig also reflected on his past role as “Fireman” putting out the daily “Fires”. We both agreed the economic slow down was a great opportunity to revise the City's organizational framework in order to give each staff member clear roles, responsibilities, and pathways to job satisfaction I will schedule meetings with each staff member privately to hear their ideas on this.
Craig's Short Term Goals:
March 1st: Completed Staff self evaluations
March 20th: Completed Job Descriptions
February 25th – Middle of March: '08/'09 Budget Introduction, Overview, Highlights
June 1st: Completed Supervisor evaluations
May 1st-2nd: Possible Council Retreat re: Budget preparation
Fall '09: Staff Retreat?
Friday Feb 20th: Deadline for Idaho Mobility Stimulus funding. We discussed this at the last Council Meeting and the staff has been great springing into action! Craig and I talked at length about the application and projects that could qualify. We decided that only one project currently fits the requirements: Victor Transit Center in conjunction with TBIR Ice Rink / Rec Center in Pioneer Park. We are applying for almost $1M in funding for a bathroom facility / lobby to serve the needs of both the Transit Center and TBIR, Parking lot paving, and acquisition of a Skid Steer and Dumptruck to clear sidewalks leading to the Center.
Mon Feb. 23rd: Meet with Don Thompson to get advice on my new role as Mayor.
Tue Feb. 24th: Introduce myself to staff as Mayor and hear their collective suggestions, desires, and advice.
Fri. May 1st / Sat. May 2nd: Tentative Council retreat scheduled. Our initial thought is a Friday evening / Saturday event with a facilitator somewhere local but removed from City Hall, ie. Grand Targhee. The City would pay for the event through our training budget. The specific goal of this event is to discuss our Fiscal goals for 2009/2010 in preparation for our Budget Cycle. Craig and I both feel our budget process needs to be revamped (especially considering current economic conditions) and this is a great time of the year to begin that process.
Council Vacancy: So far I have only been contacted personally by Dahvi Wilson with interest in the vacancy although many names have been suggested to me. My biggest goal is to appoint someone who best reflects the platform I ran on. I feel I owe it to the voters to put someone in my place who can best represent me and my ideals since I am giving up my place on the Council. It is important for me to preserve the make up of the Council as best I can in a way that reflects the last election. No matter who fills the position, the remaining two years of my term will be up for election this November.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
City Council Agenda 2-11-09
7:05 Old Business – Mayor Resignation
Swearing In of New Mayor – Council Vacancy
7:20 Public Hearing – Center Street Apts. Condo Conversion – Final Plat
8:15 Douglas Investments – Cheese Factory
8:30 Ari Kotler
9:00 Aiport Subdivision – CCR’s Amendment – Scott Fitzgerald
Impact Area – County Commissioner Meeting held 1/14/09
Cowboy Roadhouse – Road Dedication
Boundary Adjustment - Maps
Codifying Update – Kurt Hibbert
Software Update
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Sidewalk Plowing
Monday, February 2, 2009
Groomer of the week
The ball diamonds are skiing excellent. The track is super firm and the corduroy looks nice.
Dave Bergart started a blog site where we can update the status of the track and post photos. So look here for grooming schedules etc:
Thursday, January 22, 2009
City Council Agenda 1-28-09
7:10 Robert Hardy – Preliminary Audit Report
7:45 Public Hearing – Center Street Apts. Condo Conversion – Final Plat
8:45 Ari Kotler – Hockey Rink
Well Update
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Winter Grooming Returns to Pioneer Park!
The track is dog friendly, but we do ask walkers to stay on the edges so the skiers have a nice clean path in the middle. Please pass the word that snowmobiles are not welcome on the track.
If you would like to help groom the track we are looking for volunteers. Please send me an email if interested.
Mark McNeese, the ITD Bike/Ped Coordinator, will be at the Driggs City Hall Thursday Jan. 22nd from 1:30-3pm to hear about our community's Cycling and Pedestrian needs. I encourage any of you to attend if possible. It's a great opportunity to send a strong message to ITD that Teton Valley is serious about all forms of transportation! Sorry for the last minute notice on this.
Victor City Council
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Council President David Kearsley called the meeting to order. Councilmen present were Richard Naef, Scott Fitzgerald, and David Bergart. Mayor Don Thompson joined meeting shortly there after.
Sewer Plant
Evan Simpson started the discussion in regards to the sewer plant. City Engineer Rob Heuseveldt gave a brief history of the sewer plant project, starting with the Capital Facilities Plan that was done in August 2007 to the current sewer plant project. Discussion was held regarding the gravity sewer line from Victor to Driggs. The line has places that are not are at grade and the flow is calculated to be slower through those areas. Sunrise Engineering’s Robert Worley, explained to the Council the estimates on the sewer plant. Mr. Worley gave the Council a cost comparison for the Driggs plant to the proposed Victor Plant. Discussion was held with the Council on different ways to treat the waste in a plant. Discussion was held on the pros and cons of the city having their own plant verses upgrading Driggs Plant. Willie Teuscher from DEQ attended the meeting and informed the Council that the application into the EPA is not on the agenda until 2010 maybe even 2011. Councilman Kearsley has a concern with the approval from EPA taking so long that repairs are going to be needed on the line to Driggs to keep the flow moving. Council asked Sunrise to put together options and estimates for an upgrade to the sewer line to Driggs. The USDA and DEQ would require EPA approval to start the process. Council agreed to hold off on the bond election to get the public more involved and more informed.
Start Bus
Start Bus has requested help from the Council to fund the rental of a facility for storing the buses for the winter. A motion was made and seconded to support the Start Bus with $1,000.00 for the winter rental. The ayes were unanimous.
Executive Session 67-2345(f)
A roll vote was taken to move into executive session as per Idaho State Code 67-2345(f) to discuss current lawsuits with the attorney present. A roll call vote was taken to exit executive session.
A motion was made, seconded and the ayes were unanimous to pay the bills. The meeting was then adjourned.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Council Agenda - 1/14/08
7:10 Reid Rogers – Driggs Urban Renewal Plan
8:10 Sheriff Tony Liford – New Administration
8:40 Sunrise Engineering – Sewer Plant Land Acquisition
Executive Session according to Idaho State
Code 67-2345(f)
Victor Crossroads – Pick up/Drop off Standards
Garren Dustin – Agate Street Rental Snow Removal
Winter Water Overages
Cowboy Roadhouse’s As-Builts