Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Recommendation for Stimulus Funding!

We have been recommended for $283,927 to begin the Park & Ride facility for START in Pioneer Park! We have also been selected as the site for the TBIR Rec center! City staff will be working through design ideas immediately to combine the two efforts. Good ideas generate funding!


Dahvi said...

Fantastic! We'll have to make sure these projects get integrated into our Envision Victor work!

Mike O said...

Yesss! After this morning's meeting with the bike /pedestrian liasion, I was a little discouraged about the prospects of getting our transit stop upgraded... This is great news!

Anonymous said...

Really!!!!!!!!!! A Park & Ride way over at Pioneer. Where I grew up in NY the Train sy=taition was always in downtown so tourist and commuters had ease of access to the comercial stores the town had.
I prupose a downtown Parking facility both for commutuers, shoppers, tourist and a "Train" station for the bus.
I am so glad I dont live over by Pioneer park if it is going to be the hub of future transprtaion.

Scott Fitz said...

Good comments "anonymous" - Thanks. Couple of things to consider:
1. Pioneer park is in downtown. It is within a 15 minute walking transect of Main st and very close to a large portion of the residents in downtown Victor. Connected by pathways/sidewalks and close to highway 33.
2. The city could not possibly afford land on main st for a Transit facility nor would we want to sacrifice the limited commercial
space we have. The current pick up on Main St is at capacity for parking.
3. I live right on Pioneer Park and am SO excited to have a transit facility right by my house.
4. Please keep this dialog going. Communication is key.