Friday, July 24, 2009


Reverse Angle Parking Comes to Downtown Victor


Backing into a parking stall is easy.

1. Use your right turn signal to indicate your intention to park
2. Pull past the parking stall and stop
3. Back up into the parking stall

When it’s time to leave, simply look to your left to check for oncoming cars or bicycles, then pull forward into the driving lane


Anonymous said...

Sounds so simple, makes so much sense!

Sharon Schmidt said...

I am so happy to see Victor being progressive and as well, the cooperation of different groups within the valley! Kudos to everyone, (and I know that not everyone gets exactly what they want) but it's great to see Victor moving forward. Thanks to all!

Anonymous said...

So dumb! And actually, no it makes no sense. Now we have one lane to move all the Jackson Hole traffic through. No way is anyone going to use that bike lane. It is so dangerous. I know that I won't! Good luck with the backward parking in the winter time. I have witnessed that most people can't accomplish it in the summer time. Oh, and thanks city for helping out our businesses in Victor. Now we really will be a pass through town. No one will want to stop if it takes longer to park than to get a bite to eat. Really, it's pathetic.

Scott Fitz said...

Hi "Anonymous",
Thanks for your comments. So far the bike lane has been very popular, people adapted to reverse angle parking within two weeks, and now, even with snow covered roads people are still choosing to park backwards. It's too bad you see Victor as only a place to move the through traffic to Jackson. As with Wilson, WY, we believe that Victor can be more than a thorough fare for passers by. One lane has slowed traffic, increased pedestrian safety, and made for a more welcoming community. Hope you decided to stop one day and check out our City.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for replying to my prior post. First things first. I grew up in Victor. I have lived there my entire life, until just very recently. However, Victor is still and will always be my hometown. I see Victor more than just a place to move traffic through. The reason for stating that statement in the prior blog was because I go to school in Rexburg. The majority of the people I talk to see Victor as a “traffic trap”. I have to say that I do not agree with everything that was written in your post. I believe that many people now avoid stopping in Victor because it takes much more time to park. For instance, look at the parking in front of the post office, a very busy building, even our community members avoid backing in and now pull into the small parking lot. I am not writing to argue I just thought it was important for other views to be posted and made known. Many people with similar views as mine do not feel comfortable enough nor have the skills to be able to sit at a computer and post their opinions. I feel that I should share my opinions as I know many have similar feelings. I do not have a Google account and that is why I am posting as “anonymous.” If you need to contact me my name is Kimber Lundquist. More than anything, I hope this post shows that there other voices in the community. That was my goal.

Scott Fitz said...

Thanks again for the dialog Kimber. I truly appreciate your willingness to speak up. I hope you don't mind my responding with some more thoughts. From what I witness on a daily basis, almost everyone is backing into parking spaces on Main St (unless they chose a side parking lot which seems fine). I'm not really upset if people who speed through Main St feel "Victor is a traffic trap". That tells me that the new Sheriff is doing his job quite well. Is it wrong to send the message that we have zero tolerance for speeding on Main St? Should we cater to cars passing through more than we cater to our residents who want to cross the street safely? Most importantly, backing up a vehicle is a required skill for anyone holding a driver's license. Does it really take "much more time" to back into a space? Have you tried it? I'm seriously asking as I haven't found it to be a long process whatsoever. Reverse Angle parking is quicker, easier, and safer than parallel parking and the old standard of nose in parking. I guess we'll just have to see if there are more shoppers who enjoy the safe walkable downtown we are trying to create or more shoppers who are primarily concerned with how they park before they shop.