Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Seven Values of Victor. ARE THEY YOURS?Envision Victor hosts night of celebration and American Idol-style voting!

Envision Victor will celebrate 2009 and ring in 2010 during this fascinating and entertaining family event on Friday, January 15 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm at Victor Elementary School. The event is free and open to the public, and child care and snacks will be provided on-site.

Envision Victor is a groundbreaking community planning initiative that is focused on engaging citizens, bridging divisions and honoring shared values to create a vibrant and healthy community driven by the values of its citizens. Currently in the first phase of the project, Envision Victor is led by an Advisory Committee of Teton Valley organizations and is funded in large part by the Orton Family Foundation.
Over the last year, Envision Victor has worked hard to collect the stories of our residents, gathering a clear sense of the qualities of Victor that are most precious to them. The results are striking; Victor residents from across the community share an incredible number of common values. Envision Victor has narrowed this list down to seven core qualities, which will guide the next wave of planning and activities for the project.

“It has been inspiring to realize just how much we have in common here,” said Project Coordinator Dahvi Wilson. “Whether you have lived in Victor for a long time, or you are just arriving, you know Victor is a special place, and you probably share some similar ideas about why. On the 15th, we will celebrate this common ground and make sure we've narrowed our list of Victor's core values down to the right seven. These will direct our next year of work and the future shape of our town.”

Excitingly, the event will incorporate American Idol-style, real-time voting to help determine who is present, who is not, and how those in attendance feel about the seven values we have identified and the Envision Victor project in general. Each audience member will be given a voting "key-pad" to use at his or her seat, allowing everyone to vote anonymously and to instantaneously see the results of everyone's responses.

“The answers we gather on the 15th will determine how we proceed with the project in 2010 and beyond,” said Wilson. “For this reason, it is critical that we hear from as many people as possible. Whether you have participated with Envision Victor a lot, or never before, we hope you will join us on the 15th. We promise it will be fun!”

For more information about this event or other Envision Victor initiatives, please visit our website:

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