Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Victor City Residents:

There may be a ton of snow outside but the need to hold a Weed Summit to give the county a fighting chance against this difficult county-wide problem is necessary. This Summit will be held Thurday, January 13th. Contact Dawn at the number listed below if you have any further questions. Thanks.

The Board of County Commissioners is encouraging any and all city officials, public works directors, environmental and agricultural specialists and any other interested/concerned parties to attend the following open meeting to discuss weed control in Teton County. PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO APPROPRIATE PERSONS. Thank you.

Time and Agenda Item

3:00 pm Meeting Called to Order – Chairman
· Amendments to agenda if any.

3:00 Weed Summit – Ben Eborn, County Extension Agent

Participants will include a representative from City of Driggs, Tetonia, Victor,
Soil Conservation Office & the County.

Topics will include the following:
1. Introductions
2. Overview of current policy and process for private/public land weed
3. Current Situation (Mapping)
4. Barriers
5. Opportunities
6. Next steps

Administrative Items if necessary
· Correspondence, Minutes or Other Business


Dawn Felchle
Assistant to Teton County Commissioners
Risk Manager
150 Courthouse Drive - Ste. 109
1-208-354-8775 ext. 275
FAX: 354-8776

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