Thursday, June 16, 2011


Main Street design continues! If you can't make one of our Round III meetings, please let us know what you think about Main Street by filling out this short survey: This poll will close on June 20th.

The results of our meeting and our survey will help us take the next steps towards designing a new Main Street layout that fits the needs and values identified by our community. Here are the next steps you can expect. Please stay tuned to make sure your voice is heard!

June 20th - online poll closes
June 21st - discuss and review at P&Z meeting, create 2 design proposals
July 5th - Sunrise completes plans for 2 designs
July 18th - Receive comments from ITD, Sunrise review, public works on designs
July 19th - Refine plans at P&Z meeting to reflect expert input
Between July 19th and August 14th - public open house/ online vote on 3 refined designs
August 16th - Refine plans at P&Z meeting to reflect public comment, and come up with final recommendation from P&Z. Send recommendation to Council.

Contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks!

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