Sunday, October 5, 2008

Transportation Open House Monday Oct 6th 5-7pm

Our first community gathering related to Envision Victor is Monday at City Hall from 5-7pm. Come by and meet representatives from Landsman Transportation who have been hired to help us develop a Transportation Plan for Victor. Also on hand will be City Staff, Council Members, and Members of the Local Transportation Advisory Committee.

As with all the aspects of Envision Victor, we hope to engage as many citizens as possible in the creation of our Transportation Plan. Tonights meeting is not about telling you what is being decided about local transportation issues, but rather an opportunity for you to tell us your thoughts on how our transportation issues should be tackled. Come by and help us break the mold of traditional planning efforts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As Main St property owners, we were disappoint'd we were unable to attend. Our focus in our attempts to develop our main street property is being clouded by out of date regulations & inappropriate parking requirements. We want to enhance walking, friendly main street encounters with all businesses