Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Are you thinking those days of being able to feed a family of four for $20 are a thing of the past? We're here to tell you this is NOT quite a fond memory yet!! Here's an opportunity to spend some quality time with family and friends and support a great cause.

On Saturday, February 20 at 5:00 p.m. the 5th annual Spaghetti Festival will be held at Victor Elementary School. This is a joint effort being put on by Teton Basin Ice & Recreation (TBIR) and Tony's Italian Grill with soda being provided by Victor's own Grand Teton Brewing Co. For your $5 you get a plate of yummy spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, salad, cookies and root beer - PLUS you can go back for seconds!!

During the feast, there will also be raffles and a silent auction for goodies that will benefit TBIR.

There will also be a voucher for a small cheese pizza for the first 200 children 7 years of age and under. (For early attendees, your $5 is stretching just a tad farther!)

See any reason not to attend? I didn't think so!! Circle the date on your calendar and plan on having a wonderful meal at a great price and you will leave the table with a warm feeling knowing you've contributed to TBIR's future.

See you there!


Dear friends,

Thank you to everyone who participated in one of our events in the last few weeks. The turn-out has been really wonderful, and we are so proud to have seen so many new faces in attendance!

I wanted to send along a few important updates. Please spread the word about each of these!

1) Envision Victor Ideas Blog Now Live!
In the last year, Envision Victor has taken on many fantastic action projects, inspired by community members. These have included a few volunteer landscaping days, a tree planting event for this spring, work on a visual gateway into downtown, and efforts to create a neighborhood emergency preparedness program. Though work on some of these is ongoing, we wanted to create a place where Victor residents can share their great ideas, and find others to help them get these projects going.

The Envision Victor Ideas Blog is a place to do just that. Visit the blog to see what others are thinking about, or to share your own ideas. We hope this will be a useful tool to help community members share events and projects, and to help people who want to get involved find interesting projects to work on.

If you offered an idea at our event on January 15th, you will see it on the blog already. Please feel free to comment on any of the posts, or get in touch with me to create a full post.

Please contact me if you have any questions about how this works! Visit the site at

2) Values Survey In the Mail!
Envision Victor is committed to hearing from you. Over the last year, we have collected your stories and listened to you tell us what you love most about Victor. We have compiled the most common values we heard into a list, and NOW WE NEED YOU TO HELP US FIGURE OUT WHICH ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT TO YOU. In order to make sure we hear from everyone, we have created a survey that we are mailing to everyone in Victor. The survey is also available online, for those who prefer to share your thoughts electronically.

Visit to fill out the survey online, or return your paper survey by mail to: Envision Victor, 541 Village Way, Victor, ID 83455.
This survey will close on February 19, so please get your responses in soon!

3) Pierre's Playhouse OPENING FOR MOVIES!!
Well, it's finally happening, and now is a great chance to show the Egbert family how excited you are about Victor's very own movie theater! Pierre's will open for movies THIS THURSDAY showing SHERLOCK HOLMES at the following show times:
Thursday - 7pm
Friday - 6pm and 9pm
Saturday - 2pm, 6pm, and 9pm

Tickets at $7.50 for an adult, or $5.00 for children and seniors.
Call 787-SHOW with any more questions.

Thank you very much for your support, and we hope to see you soon!

Dahvi Wilson

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 10, 2010 Victor City Hall


7:00 Pledge of Allegiance and Agenda Approval
Minutes Review

Friends of the River – Trail Creek Stakeholders Water Rights – 20 minutes

Teton Community School – Discussion regarding Bike Path and
Sewer Fees - 15 minutes

Dogwood Place – Application Extension – 20 minutes

City Legal Services – Herb and Melissa Heimerl – 15 minutes

Recommended Water/Sewer Connection Fee Increase – 30 minutes

CIP Process and Timeline – 30 minutes

Progress Reports – Rob Heuseveldt
Victor North Well Progress (Memo)
Downtown Water Project (Memo)

Backflow Training – 5 minutes
Report on Brookside Hollow’s HOA Meeting – 5 minutes


City Street Addressing Concerns – Cari Golden – 15 minutes

Park and Rec Committee Report – Cari Golden – 5 minutes

Discussion on additional committees – 15 minutes
Environmental/Energy/Finance/Community Events

On-Line Bill Pay – Amy Underwood – 15 minutes


Key to the Capitol – 5 minutes
