Thursday, March 18, 2010

March 24, 2010
Victor City Hall


7:00 Pledge of Allegiance and Agenda Approval
Minutes Review

Targhee Animal Shelter – Update on Shelter Activities &
Budgeting – 20 minutes

Ted Hendricks – The Development Co. – Sewer Financing – 30 minutes

Ben Reese – Government Financing – 30 minutes

Sign Ordinance – Continuation of Public Hearing – 30 minutes

Subdivision Update/Extension Policy – 30 minutes

Teton Community School – Pathway Discussion – 20 minutes

Parks and Rec Committee Update – 10 minutes

CIP – Bill Knight – 15 minutes


Sewer Reading Spreadsheet for Driggs/Victor -10 minutes

Farmers Market Discussion – 10 minutes
Census Update – 15 minutes

April 7 – Trail Creek Sprinkler Annual Mtg.
1:00 p.m. – Council Chambers
April 20 – Trails Master Planning Meeting –
6:00 p.m. Council Chambers
April 30 – May 1 – Council Retreat


Monday, March 15, 2010 launches new site!

It’s official! The new and improved launched today – making the ride-matching experience better than ever for Idahoans.

With improved capabilities for personalization, tracking, and management, commuters and organizations will be able to easily optimize their car and vanpooling opportunities. But, the most exciting improvements reach beyond the traditional commuter. The new system features Bike Buddies and School Pool – new ride-match options for cyclists and parents of school kids.

“The addition of Bike Buddies and School Pool makes this new system very exciting. It extends the program beyond traditional commuters and reaches people looking for options in other areas of daily life” said Randy Kyrias, Division of Public Transportation Administrator.

New site features include:

Bike Buddies, ride-matching for cyclists looking to ride to work or ride the trails on the weekends
School Pool, carpool matching tool for parents of children living in the same neighborhood and attending the same school
Home page personalization and branding
Dynamic (same day), one-way, one-time, and long distance ride-matching
Event planning with improved capabilities for single event and dynamic ride-matching to help minimize the travel hassles of commuting to large and small events like sports events, concerts, conferences or weddings
Map-based origin-destination and along-the-route matching
Ability for organizations to create, promote and administer their own commuteincentive management programs entirely within the site
Greater self service features for vanpool formation and ease of administration
Idaho’s Rideshare program license was purchased in 2008 by the Idaho Transportation Department. Previously the program was only available in Ada and Blaine counties.

“ITD purchased the statewide license in order to provide more Idahoans additional transportation options,” said Kyrias. “Ridesharing is just as relevant for people living in rural areas driving to and from work, school and other activities as it is to those living in more populated areas of the state. Everyone is concerned about gas prices, other costs associated with vehicle maintenance and traffic congestion. Ridesharing is a simple solution to all of those things.”

Commuters and organizations interested in learning more about Idaho’s Rideshare program can contact Brian Shea, Rideshare Administrator, at 1-800-527-7985, or email

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dear Friends,

Thank you to everyone who participated in our last set of meetings and our poll! The results have been impressive indeed. Over the last year, we’ve collected your stories and gathered a sense of what you love most about our town. In the last few weeks, nearly 200 Victor residents voted on which values matter most to the heart and soul of Victor. And our winners are....

Small Town Feel. Family Friendly. Strong and Caring Community. Sustainability. Culturally Historic. Connected to Nature.

We have heard from a diverse cross-section of our community, and we feel confident that these six values represent the heart and soul of our town. But now comes the hard part - we need Victor residents to help us understand exactly what things like 'small town feel' and 'family friendly' mean to this community. If we don't get this part right, our future city plans could focus on the wrong things.

For three evenings in April, Envision Victor will work with Victor residents to more specifically define each of the six values named above. At these fun, interactive workshops residents will share stories of times when they experienced these values in Victor. The stories will help us figure out which physical qualities of our town support the things we love most. The information we gather will allow Envision Victor to turn our general list of six values into city plans on the ground. Each event is free and open to the public, and each will offer the fabulous food of Dining In Catering.

Sign up in advance online by clicking here or by calling (208) 201-3931.

All advance sign-ups will be entered in one of six raffles (one for each value) for great local prizes.

All three Values Definition Workshops will take place from 7-9pm at the Wildwood Room in Victor. All are welcome!

- Monday, April 5: 'Small Town Feel' and 'Sustainability'
- Tuesday, April 6: 'Family Friendly' and 'Culturally Historic'
- Wednesday, April 7: 'Strong/ Caring Community' and 'Connected to Nature'

We hope to see you at one of these events, and we look forward to these next important steps.

Many thanks, and please be in touch with any questions!

Dahvi Wilson

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Business Owners, this could be the most beneficial meeting you attend for the viability of your business. This will be a 1 hour discussion regarding tourism and the scenic loop presented by;

Julie Bryan, Marketing Chair
& special guest speaker
Reid Rogers, Teton Valley Chamber of Commerce

Why? During this economy we need to be proactive. National Geographic and other research “think tanks” believe that offsetting the economic stress is possible by appealing to the millions of “geotourists” who have incomes that will support continued travel. This suggests increasing numbers of people looking for vacations, regional drives or otherwise, with experiential and historic content for all members of the family. We believe the concept of a well packaged and marketed Yellowstone-Grand Teton Loop Road with its surrounding attributes and attractions holds significant opportunity for tourism industry development, while contributing to the Geotourism goal of enhancing and sustaining the local area for the benefit of its residents.

Where? Huntsman Springs, Mountain View Lodge Unit #9, 540 Cottongrass Road, Driggs, ID. Follow the signs.

When? March 25th, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

We will offer beverages and snacks compliments of Julie Bryan, Marketing Chair. The setting will be a relaxed atmosphere in the living room where you may mingle and listen to the discussion while sipping on a glass of wine or non-alcoholic beverage. You will also be able to sign up for the program which will register your business free for one year onto the Yellowstone-Grand Teton Loop web site.


Your support of the Loop also improves the ability for future funding in our area to support tourism.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

March 10, 2010

Victor City Hall

7:00 Pledge of Allegiance and Agenda Approval
Minutes Review

Adoption of Fair Housing Resolution - 10 minutes

Sign Ordinance - Continuation of Public Hearing - 20 minutes

Sewer Discussion - 60 minutes

Census Update - 20 minutes


Executive Session as per Idaho State
Code 67-2345(f) – 60 minutes


Fiscal Impacts Presentation - County Office - March 16 - 4:00 p.m.
