Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Councilmen Attend AIC Conference

This post is a little outdated, but just to let the general public know what's going on I thought I'd share the info. From June 24th - 27th Councilmen Kearsley, Bergart, and Fitzgerald attended the Association of Idaho Cities Conference in Boise, ID. Here's a quick breakdown of a few seminars we attended:

- Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention
- Transportation Funding
- Water Issues Affecting Idaho Cities
- Effective City Council Meetings
- Understanding Access Management
- Water Hot Topics
- Environmental Forum
- Grants for Street Projects
- Best Practices in Municipal Budgeting
- Grants from the Dept of Commerce
- Developing Capital Improvements Plans
- City and County Relationships
- The EFC Financial Dashboard

Other highlights included a speech by Governor Otter on Transportation funding, and a speech by political analyst David Gergen on the state of the Presidential Election. Overall I was thoroughly impressed with the conference and it's relevance to Victor. I look forward to going back next year.

PS. Had a chance to ride the Idaho VeloPark. Pioneer Park perhaps?

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